

Liebe Kundinnen Mazal präsentiert am 23. November ihre neuen Kollektionen und lädt Sie ab 18 Uhr herzlich zu einem Apéro ein. Bringen Sie diese Einladung am 23. oder 24. November mit und profitieren Sie von 10 % Rabatt. Special guest – Sarah Vetsch (Kunstmalerin) Grossformatige Bilder, ein schneller expressiver Pinselstrich und eine spontane Geste würden wohl am besten die Ausdrucksweise der Künstlerin Sarah Vetsch auf den Punkt bringen. Die Künstlerin wird am Anlass präsent sein und einige ihrer Kreationen ausstellen....

INVITATION – New collections and fall cocktails

Dear customers On Friday, December 1and Saturday, December 2, Mazal will be presenting her new collections. New in the shop: Paintings and sculptures Jewelry in Indian / Gipsy / Bohemian style Men’s jewelry High-quality handbags from selected Italian designers Jewelry from Greek top designer The shop will be open from 11.15 a.m. on both days. We will offer you a 10% discount on all purchases. Also, you are cordially invited to join us for fall cocktails on Friday, December 1, from 6 p.m. Please drop by. We will be happy to...

INVITATION – New collection and spring cocktails

Dear customers On Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25, Mazal will be presenting her new collections. The shop will be open from 11.15 a.m. on both days. Also, you are cordially invited to join us for spring cocktails on Friday, 24 March, starting 6 p.m. Special guest - Tra Terra e Cielo „There are things between heaven and earth that only the heart can understand.“ At 8 p.m., Claudia Magri, writer and blogger, will read a selection of her love poetry (in German). Please drop...