Roman Glass
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N 05

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MT160 GOLD 01

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EVA 01

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Philosophy & Inspiration

I believe that a piece of jewelry can evoke a sense of joy at the perfection of its design and craftsmanship. In my shop I also look for perfection. The uniqueness of the different collections is distinguished by their harmonious combination.

mazal has always been inspired by different cultures and ways of life. Among other things, she lived in New York for two years, where she was able to freely express her love of the arts and her own artistic skills.

When she has time, mazal enjoys travelling the world, always on the lookout for new collections. Her aim is to offer her customers more than just a piece of jewellery – shopping at mazal is a real experience!


Roman Glass

New Collection


Client Voices

Dear mazal
you are an amazing person! I love your energy.
I would like to show you my fire show on the opening of your other gallery.
Liebe mazal
Ich werde unsere erste Begegnung nie vergessen. Deine Art auch nicht. Ich danke Dir von Herzen für alles. Und deine Freundschaft!
Mazal Tov!
Liebe mazal
Ich werde dich nie vergessen. Bleib so wie du bist. Du bist die Beste! Gib nie auf.
Dear mazal
We love you and your energy so, so much! You are a dancing spirit.
Dear mazal
You are a collector of wonderful people. I am happy, that you have collected me as well! Thank you for the lovely party. I wish you ALOT more good days to come.
Liebe mazal
Herzlichen Dank für diese tolle Beratung und deine liebenswerte Art!
Dear mazal
You are very special and your shop has been a XX. Your X, heart and dedication to people is XXX. I wish you all the best for whatever you are choosing to do. Lots of love and respect.
Liebe mazal
Was für wunderbaren Schmuck, was für eine herzliche Person! Und ich weiss schon, warum ich heute zum 1. Mal hier war (und sonst mein Mann gekommen ist). Ich könnte mindestens 6b Stück kaufen.
mazal ist die Beste!
Chère mazal,
you explode in colours truth
bring tears of joy to sooth
a life of lost to lose,
to undo circumstances grip of bruise
and let you cut the noose.
Mazalian star, shine far,
thank you for setting the bar.
Ein wunderbares Fest mit vielen grossartigen Menschen, organisiert von mazal, meiner lieben Freundin.
mazal chérie!
It was so easy & spontaneous to meet you. You have this charisma, beautiful heart. We met X and I believe we will share a lot. Sweet darling you have this gift to connect people, use it. I just want to say don't let anybody harm you. You are full of magic. Big X